About Company

PT. Merpati Alam Semesta (MAS KARGO) is a company engaged in logistics services. Established since April 1, 2021, it now has 15 branches in major cities and more than 451 networks throughout Indonesia with 86 vehicles (Grand Max, CDE, CDD).


Our company has Pigeon logo and globe which have philosophical meaning. Pigeons are often trusted as birds that can be trusted to send messages on time. Globe means the universe, which reflects our area of ​​access in delivering documents and packages in Indonesia and the world.


We will always try to increase enthusiasm and maintain commitment to improve service quality and build satisfaction for all customers. we have a good infrastructure and network support combined with quality service and high integrity from all employees to meet customer needs. We also offer practical solutions for the business industry in developing their services in distribution and transportation.

Vision, Mission and Value


To become the largest logistics company in Indonesia that provides customer satisfaction, provides practical solutions and quality delivery.

Ikon Diverifikasi Komunitas



  • Building a work culture for the company's progress to create mental health, physical health, emotional health and employee welfare


  • Establishing friendships to create a pleasant work environment and supported by adequate infrastructure.


  • By working hard, working smart, working sincerely and thoroughly to create the best service for customer satisfaction.

  • Carrying out communication relations and meetings with Partners actively and well as well as commitment to cooperation agreements.


    Ikon Diverifikasi Komunitas


Value :

A positive mental attitude that always carries out His commands and stays away from all His prohibitions.



Maintain and carry out the trust that has been given seriously and with a sense of responsibility.



Professionalism is a person's attitude in carrying out daily work supported by expertise and dedication so that they have high commitment.


Obedient and obedient attitude towards the regulations that have been set and fully supported by all employees.


It is the action of individuals and companies that are able to create and implement creative new ideas and products so that they become differentiators that can make the company superior.



A person's behavior that reflects loyalty to achieving goals under all conditions.

The key elements of our solution are :
  • Better Project Client System
  • Monitoring Strong Operation Team
  • Special Vehicles & Teams
  • SOP Mutual Improvement Program
  • Administration Improvement Program
Strategi Implementasi :
  • Regular Improvement Review with Client until Expected Goal is Achieved
Strategi Implementasi :
  • Regular Improvement Review with Client until Expected Goal is Achieved

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